Custom Header options empty




  • Official comment

    Magento recently changed the way serialize / deserialize methodology, for this reason you may experience this issue if the theme was installed on an older magento installation which you upgraded in the mean time. 


    There are 2 approaches here:

    1) upgrade to latest Pearl Theme release and import the sample settings using the GUI installer or the SSH installation. This should overwrite the old serialized values in the database and the settings should appear under Custom Header and Category page.


    2) If you are too advanced with the development and do not want to re-import the sample settings you need to manually go in the database, under core_config_data table and delete the values under this 2 fields:




    Now go in admin:

    WeltPixel Custom Header > Save

    WeltPixel Category Page > Save


    The seralization of this 2 fields should now be compatible with latest Magento version.



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    Peter Lama

    Thanks for the response. Shortly after posting I noticed the magento error message showing the problem was with the serialization and was able to fix it following this post: I see it was more complicated than necessary, but at least I got it working. :)

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