Google Analytics Enhanced With Pearl Theme - Not Capturing Conversion or Revenue



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    Hi I'm facing the same issue, I have all event and informations but no order information (id, amount).For me it stops at the last checkout step but nothing in success page :/


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    Finally, it works ! I found the 'problem'. It is just because I had disabled tha API Google in Menu Store -> Configuration -> Sales. I reactived it and then it works perfectly.

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    Interesting! I thought that was supposed to be disabled if you were using the WeltPixel Extension. 

    We did actually get it working also, but more by brute force and manual coding. 

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    Ewa Powell


    I am facing the same issue. No Ecommerce data is visible. Sales -> Google API is also ON. Upgraded the plugin, tried with Jason LD method too. Tags are getting fired in Google Tag Manager Preview mode. Still, data is not visible

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    Aria Asgari

    Hi. We are facing the same issue. No conversions are tracked when I look at the conversion I setup in google ads according to the manual. Anyone that can help? Running magento 2.3.3

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    Mark Hewgill

    We have the same problem on Magento 2.3.5. We turned off the built in Magento Adwords conversion tracking and turned it on in the Weltpixel extension according to the instructions. We no longer have any conversion data in Adwords. Additionally we have lost the click data that used to show up in Google Merchant center. Anyone know how to get this to work

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    Rohini Navale

    I faced the same issue. And below setting in Google Tag Manager solved my issue. I contacted Google and after 78 conversational emails; I was able to solve the issue.

    If the setup looks correct and if you are using pageview to gather E-commerce data.

    The trigger type for WP Google Analytics Tag is must not be correct. The trigger type should be DOM ready, but you must have currently have All Pages trigger.

    just change the trigger for WP Google Analytics from All pages to DOM ready

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