Common issue: When you copy files via FTP to your Bitnami installation, files are copied with user 'daemon' . When you try to clear cache, regenerate less, static content etc.. via SSH you may experience problems as you are logged in with the user 'bitnami'.
Common Solution: In order to overcome this try using the prefix 'sudo' before issuing any SSH commands. after copying new files, make sure all files have the proper permissions, most of Magento Bitnami problems are related to permission issues or users used not having enough permissions.
More details below:
Bitnami is using specific permissions for magento files, as presented in Bitnami documentation.
After 3rd party files are added, Bitnami specific permissions need to be executed in order to be applied to the new files added. Bitnami permissions are different than default magento permissions.
After any theme or module installation run below commands, that should solve the problems.
sudo find installdir/apps/magento/htdocs/var -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
sudo find installdir/apps/magento/htdocs/var -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;
sudo chown -R bitnami:daemon installdir/apps/magento/htdocs/var
For reference: Bitnami Documentation Here
Above solution is the most common solution. If you still encounter installation issues, check with Bitnami Community as many users complain of various limitations when using Bitnami as a configuration image for the Magento 2 installation.
For reference:
Check also: How to choose the right Magento 2 hosting
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