Sometimes, you may experience this warning when running a compilation via the Command Line. You may also experience similar warnings, errors or exceptions on the storefront. This article will go over how to solve these.
Cause: The issue is caused by an incompatibility between the WeltPixel extension / Pearl Theme files and your Magento version.
Explanation: Starting with the introduction of Magento 2.3.0, our extension code was split into two sets, in order to accommodate the changes within the Magento platform. Every extension, and the Pearl Theme, comes with two sets of files: one for Magento 2.0.x - 2.2.x and one for Magento 2.3.x.
Using the wrong set of extension / theme files for your Magento version will lead to errors, exceptions or warnings such as the one presented in the title being thrown. This may happen in a couple of scenarios:
-You've installed the extension / Pearl Theme and used the wrong set of files. For example, you've used the set of files for Magento 2.0.x - 2.2.x and you are using Magento 2.3.2.
-You've updated your Magento version, and have not updated the extension / Pearl Theme files. For example, you've upgraded your Magento from 2.2.9 to 2.3.2, and have left the extension / theme as it is.
-You've updated your extension / Pearl Theme, and used the wrong set of files during the update. For example, you're performing a Pearl Theme upgrade, and used the set of files for Magento 2.3.x on your Magento 2.2.9 installation.
Solution: The solution for resolving cases such as this would be to reinstall the extension / Pearl Theme, making sure to use the correct set of files, specific to your Magento version. You'll have to remove all the old extension files, and upload the new ones. You can follow the upgrade process that's included in the documentation for all of our extensions to make sure this process is completed successfully.
In the case of the Pearl Theme, you can follow the instructions provided in our Pearl Theme Upgrade article to make sure everything is done correctly.
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