This may be caused by a Magento marketplace dependancy pack installation error. Probably you selected for installation both the standalone extension and also dependancy pack of the extension (ending with "-theme"). Normally no error should be returned and installation should work fine either if you select only the standalone extension or both extension and it's corresponding dependancy pack.
However, if you are experiencing an Autoload Error, it can be easily fixed by connecting via SSH, and removing composer installation of the dependancy pack ending in "-theme". Here are a few examples:
Example1: Let assume you are installing WeltPixel OWL Carousel Extension and you received an autoload error while installing via Magento Marketplace Admin wizard.
- composer remove weltpixel/m2-weltpixel-owl-carousel-slider-theme
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- php bin/magento maintenance:disable
Example2: Let assume you are installing WeltPixel Quick View and Ajax Cart Extension and you received an autoload error while installing via Magento Marketplace Admin wizard.
- composer remove weltpixel/m2-weltpixel-quickview-theme
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- php bin/magento maintenance:disable
Example3: Let assume you are installing WeltPixel Rich Snippets Extension and you received an autoload error while installing via Magento Marketplace Admin wizard.
- composer remove weltpixel/m2-weltpixel-google-cards-theme
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- php bin/magento maintenance:disable
Example4: Let assume you are installing WeltPixel Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce Tag Manager and you received an autoload error while installing via Magento Marketplace Admin wizard.
- composer remove weltpixel/m2-weltpixel-google-tag-manager-theme
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- php bin/magento maintenance:disable
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