If you have multiple storeviews, each one using a different language, please find below best way to translate the footer content, or even use different content for each language store view.
Create footer blocks with the same identifier as the original, and activate of each footer visibility only for associated store-view.
Example: We want to use Footer V3 on both English and French versions of our store. Here is how you can achieve that.
Step 1: Edit Original Footer V3 and activate Visibility only for English store-view
Step2: Create a new block, with the same identifier as the original. Example for footer v3 use original footer identifier 'weltpixel_footer_v3'. Copy the content from the original block and make the necessary translations or link adjustments. Activate visibility only on French store-view.
Step 3. Make sure both blocks are enabled, and are using the same identifier as original footer block.
Step 4. Clear cache and check the store front, you should be able to see a different footer for each store view.
*** English Store Front with English Footer:
*** French Store Front with French Footer:
Note: You can have as many store-views as necessary, each one using a different variation of the same footer version.
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