Product Labels extension allows to apply labels, ribbons, tags on specific products and can be displayed on category pages or product pages.
You can download from here a series of sample Product Labels images already prepared for for you, and you just need to upload and make little adjustments where necessary.
Case - "20%OFF" Sale campaign.
If you wish to create a 20%OFF sale campaign, using Product Labels can be very intuitive for customers and can boost sales.
Go in admin to Marketing -> Catalog Price Rule and configure the 20% discount campaign and condition to be applied to all products from specific categories from your store, which should be on the Sale campaign.
Then go to WeltPixel -> Manage Labels and create a new Product Label, configure it and apply it on the same categories, and Save the label.
Make sure your crons are running and the WeltPixel ProductLabels Rule Product indexer is set to Update by Schedule, and as soon as the indexer are updated, the labels should be visible on frontend.
Case - Set Product as new From - To date.
If you wish to set Product Labels for items that are new from a specific date to a specific date, this can be achieved via the following method:
1. Head into the Magento admin and find the product you want to set as new and select the Set Product as New From start and end dates.
2. Head into Admin -> Stores -> Attributes -> Product and search for the "new" attribute code.
Edit these two attributes and head into Storefront Properties. Once there, set the Use for Promo Rule Conditions option to Yes.
3. Head into Admin -> WeltPixel -> Product Labels -> Manage Labels and Add or Edit your New label. Scroll down to the Conditions section and configure the conditions with the newly added Set Product as New from Date and Set Product as New to Date attributes.
The statement has two bold links: ALL and TRUE. You can create different conditions by changing the combination of these values. For this example, the following condition is used:
If ALL of these conditions are TRUE:
This means that the New label will be only on the products that we've set as new starting with 2019-02-13 and ending with 2019-02-15.
Case - Set Product on Sale From - To date.
You can follow the same process as the case listed above for New Labels, however, you'll need use different attributes.
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