Often you are required by different extension providers to connect via SSH to the root of your magento installation and run different installation commands.
When you have multiple Magento installations on your server this can be confusing. Below is explained how to easily verify you are in the right place before running installation commands.
1. Connect to your server using command line SSH connection. SSH credentials can be provided by your hosting partner. If you experience connection problems, make sure your IP is whitelisted.
2. Go to the root location of your Magento 2 installation on your server.
cd mymagentostore.com/html
3. Create a txt file that you can later access from your store front-end
nano test.txt ( and write some random text inside the file, ex: verifying my magento installation)
'Ctrl + X' for Exit and 'Yes' for saving the changes.
4. Verify the file is created in your magento root folder using the command 'ls'
5. Go to your store front-end and access the file you just created in the navigation bar and you should be able to see the content of the file you just created. This means you identified the root of your magento installation on your server.
Note: If unable to see in front-end the file you just created repeat Steps 1-5 for other magento installations you may have on your server until you identify the root of the magento installation where you want to work.
Note2: If you are using managed hosting, you can always open a ticket with your hosting support and ask them the path of your installation.
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