A. You can translate Pearl Theme by following next steps:
1. Go to the root of your magento installation ('yourmgentoinstall.com/html') and run below command to export all theme and magento translations.
php bin/magento i18n:collect-phrases --output="dictionary.csv" -m
2. Find the generated dictionary.csv file in your root magento installation, open this file , it should contain four columns, leave just the first two, the rest you can delete, they should contain the same english texts.
3.Using a simple editor translate only the second column and the text between " ". Make sure all the strings in your .csv file start and end with double quotes, and are separated with comma[,], not semi-colon [;] or any other mark. Example: "Custom Footer","Benutzerdefinierte Fußzeile"
4. After you edited the file, rename the file using magento locale format ( Example: fr_FR.csv, it_IT.csv). The file name must exactly match the locale, and it is case sensitive xx_YY.csv.
5. Copy the file into app/design/frontend/Pearl/weltpixel_custom/i18n/ directory
6.a. For frontend translations make sure you have set your locale in Stores -> Configuration -> General -> Locale Options -> Locale -> Select your language
6.b. For backend translations make sure you have set your users Interface Locale in <strong>Account Settings -> Account Information -> Interface Locale -> Select your language
7. Refresh all Magento caches and check results
B. You can translate a WeltPixel module by following the next steps:
You can translate a WeltPixel module by following the next steps:
1. Go to app/code/WeltPixel/ModuleYouWantToTranslate/i18n where you should find en_US.csv.
2. Copy the content of this file in a new .csv file using magento locale format ( Example: fr_FR.csv, it_IT.csv). The file name must exactly match the locale, and it is case sensitive xx_YY.csv.
3. Using a simple editor translate only the second column and the text between " ". Make sure all the strings in your .csv file start and end with double quotes, and are separated with comma [,], not semi-colon [;] or any other mark. Example: "Custom Footer","Benutzerdefinierte Fußzeile"
4.a. For frontend translations make sure you have set your locale in Stores -> Configuration -> General -> Locale Options -> Locale -> Select your language
4.b. For backend translations make sure you have set your user's Interface Locale in Account Settings -> Account Information -> Interface Locale -> Select your language
5. Refresh all Magento caches and check results
C. Magento 2 language pack and related translations:
For more details on how to translate Magento core files into a different language, or how to apply a specific language pack, please refer to the official Magento documentation.
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