This is currently the only method to install modules via Composer, as Magento has removed the Web Setup Wizard.
Step 1:
Before installing please check the extension compatibility. Our Marketplace extensions are currently compatible with the following Magento versions 2.3.X. - 2.4.X. It is recommended to install the extension first on a development/staging server before you install it on a live (production) server.
Step 2:
Make sure you have your Magento Marketplace Authentication Keys configured on the Magento instance. If your keys are not added, check the Magento Documentation for more information about how to add those. If the keys are not added or properly configured, you may receive a "no matching package found" error when running the commands below.
Step 3:
We'll take the Layered Navigation extension as an example here:
Access the root of your Magento 2 project from the command line and run the following commands:
composer require weltpixel/m2-weltpixel-layered-navigation
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
Installing via SSH is possible by purchasing directly from our website or migrating your product from the Magento Marketplace to a WeltPixel Account. If you've already purchased the product on the Magento Marketplace and would like to migrate it in order to install via SSH, please check out this article from our Support Center: Manual (SSH) Installation if the product is purchased from Magento Marketplace
If you have purchased a paid WeltPixel module from the Magento Marketplace you'll need a license key for it. To find out how to generate a license key, please check out this article: How to generate a license key and access the latest version of a WeltPixel product if purchased via the Magento Marketplace
Note: If you need Manual (SSH) Installation read THIS article, for Composer or Magento Web Setup Wizzard installation please continue with the instructions below.
After purchasing the extension from Magento Marketplace, you will be redirected to the order confirmation page in your Magento account. Check out the video in the right sidebar for a preview of the installation process.
1. Click Install button on that page, in order to begin the installation process.
2. Make sure that you have Access Keys created for your Magento account.
3. Login to your store admin panel and go to System > Web Setup Wizard
4. Select Extension Manager > Sign In and copy-paste your Public key and Private Key in the corresponding fields. If page loading is taking too long, try to refresh the page. If you are already signed in with your Magento credentials (public and private key), you don’t need to sign in again.
5. Click Refresh in order to synchronise your purchases from Magento Marketplace with your Magento installation. You will see now that you have new purchased extensions ready to install (full list available after you click Review & Install). Click Review and Install and you will be redirected to Extension Manager page where you can select which extension you want to install.
6. Select the module and click Install. All necessary dependancies will be installed.
7. Click the Next button in order to proceed with Step 1 of the installer. Now the installer will start to check your environment for the correct PHP version, PHP extensions, Cron, file permission and compatibility. We strongly recommend to create a backup before installing any extension.
Click Next on all three steps, and the module will be successfully installed. If the Readiness check fails, first thing try verifying that the Cron Jobs are running and fixing this may also solve remaining PHP check failures. Follow the links provided for the type of error you receive. Contact your system administrator to properly setup Cron Jobs for your store.
8. The installation process takes about 5 minutes and your store will be unavailable during this period. Wait until you are redirected to the Success page.
9. Woohoo! The extension is installed! Follow the next steps in extension documentation for further configuration.
! Installation Troubleshooting:
If you experience any installation issues, please refer to below 2 articles:
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